Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

2010 has been a heck of a ride, and RedTown is sad to see it go, but 2011 is shaping up to be our best year ever. BIG PLANS PEOPLE!  Our resolution for the new year is to crank our photography to 11 and really watch this thing take off.  We appreciate the love and support and wish you all the very best of holidays and a happy new year!

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RedTown Photography Blog

Welcome to RedTown Photography (the blog edition). We started this blog as the top secret meeting location to pass photos back and forth while our website was developing. Now its open to everyone to enjoy and will contain a much wider scope of topics and material as we muse about photography, life, politics, art, and of course, Guiness. Be sure to visit our website: Cheers!


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