Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So I finally got RedTown's official first promos from the other day. 1000 6x9" promos for a pretty sweet price of I think ~ $175. PsPrint has served me well in the past and I was happy to use them again this time. I will make a minor gripe here though and say that many of the cards have some rough edges and are a little banged around from stacking. I'm not sure how you could avoid this with any company though so really, there's not much to complain about here. Good company with fair prices and quick turn around. Print quality is good - not great. I've done some work with Modern Postcard in the past and they still set the bar in my opinion, but they're also about 5 times more money. Watch yourself when you're submitting files to any online print company. I was very careful to follow every single one of PsPrint's procedures, and yet, I'm still finding that the text isn't super crisp and has some edging that never appeared in my original artwork. Oh well, c'est la vie. I'm still pretty stoked to have them. It's time to hit the streets, knock on coffee shops and bookstores and I don't know, anyplace that is hip enough to let me post stuff for free. Time to drum up some business!!

RedTown Photography Blog

Welcome to RedTown Photography (the blog edition). We started this blog as the top secret meeting location to pass photos back and forth while our website was developing. Now its open to everyone to enjoy and will contain a much wider scope of topics and material as we muse about photography, life, politics, art, and of course, Guiness. Be sure to visit our website: Cheers!


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