Thursday, February 18, 2010

When it doesn't go your way.

Working with a flexible and patient model can make all the difference in the world. I recently did a shoot with a new model named Alberto as part of a series I'm working on featuring night time scenes throughout the city. Unfortunately for Alberto, it being February and well after sunset didn't really click in my head until we arrived on location to do the shoot and our teeth instantly started chattering. To make things worse, the wind was driving through this underpass like we were in a wind tunnel (go figure) and I was having trouble with my lighting. So after wasting 20-30 mins with my head on backwards, and my fingers frozen from fiddling with the equipment, and poor Alberto spasming uncontrollably, we finally were able to start shooting. And luckily for me, Alberto really sucked it up and gave me some great poses. Unfortunately for both of us, I wasn't able to get as many solid photos as I would have liked, so we end up with a less than great collection of photos to choose from. That said, I think there is a valuable lesson to be learned here about working with models who take this seriously enough to put up with freezing temperatures and photographers who aren't 100% on. I may not have a lot of options from this shoot, but I did get a few solid photos instead of going home completely empty handed. Bravo Alberto for being a sport and I can't wait to photograph you again.

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