Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I had the opportunity today to dig thru some old negs and do a bit of scanning on the Imacon and couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the days of yore when all it took to be happy in the world was my trusty xa, a roll of whatever film I happened to find in my fridge, and a beautiful sunday afternoon. There is no substitute for that camera in my heart; full manual control, rangefinder focus, attachment flash, cheap optics - all in the pocket size package of surprisingly good build quality. It is in fact, the first camera I ever owned, given to me by my late grandmother when I was 14. That, along with an Olympus OM-2 SLR, which was to be kept safe for me until I had gotten a little practice under my belt with the XA. A remarkable camera for its time, it was the world's smallest 35mm rangefinder, and mine was (and still is) in perfect condition. Everytime I used it I felt my grandmother with me, and every photo I took with it seemed to me the best photo I'd ever made. 

Even though my current carry everywhere camera is now a small Nikon Coolpix p6000, I always keep in my bag my XA with a roll of film ready to go. For me, the convenience of digital has certainly changed the way I shoot. In an afternoon of shooting I'll have at my disposal hundreds of photos to edit, categorize, shuffle off to include in some photo series I'm working on, or post online, or what have you - at almost no cost. Clearly this is the best way to sketch out ideas and be spontaneous with my photography without having to be concerned with all the trouble associated with film. So why is that XA still in my bag everywhere I go? Because you can't replace your first love. To me photography is more than the moment; it is about emotion, the persistence of the ephemeral, and coming to terms with my need to connect with my surroundings by using a tool that has no emotion what so ever. The more perfect new cameras become, the harder it becomes for your photos to speak to you. This is why my XA is always with me - it has soul, it still speaks to me. I love this camera, and it loves me. I know this from all the amazing photos it has given me over the years. It will always be my trusty companion, and I am thankful for that.

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