Tuesday, February 10, 2009


M@ said...

This weeks theme.
Underutilized, discarded, or forgotten.

Plus we are going to shake things up. This weeks photos can not look like anything we have done before.

If its a flop then its a flop. The point is to try it anyway.


Unknown said...

thats interesting comp. I like the concept, but how can we do this w/out resorting to "gimmicky" ps work? I like this concept of trying something we havent done before, I'm just thinking of the interests of usability. Thoughts?

M@ said...

Looking over the 2009 posts the only photo that stands out Is the one of Marlow. I think we have developed a sucessful aesthetic. I just want to keep pushing forward and not rely on what we know will produce a good image. It's a matter of experimentation.

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Welcome to RedTown Photography (the blog edition). We started this blog as the top secret meeting location to pass photos back and forth while our website was developing. Now its open to everyone to enjoy and will contain a much wider scope of topics and material as we muse about photography, life, politics, art, and of course, Guiness. Be sure to visit our website: www.redtownphotography.com. Cheers!


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