Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A friend of mine is absolutely terrified of dentists. So much so, she has her mother come with her to the office. When she told me about this I wasn't struck by its absurdity, instead I was reminded that there was a time when someone, beside myself, had provided comfort - reassurance. It must be a fine line between feeling helpless and being...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Very nice photo. Very very nice. On my screen it is very dark, but I have mine calibrated for print, so when I boost my brightness settings to around 50% it does indeed have all the detail in the shadows. This brings up a very interesting technical issue: monitor calibration. I'm using a Spyder3 Pro once every month. What kind of calibration system do you have? We should invest now to make sure we aren't re-editing work.

Anyway, I'm impressed. you set the bar high my friend.

M@ said...

I actually dont have a calibration since I dont have a printer. I have been using repicolors profiles and so far it hasn't been far off. Im not sure what you want to do? We can brain storm next meeting.

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